Have you ever considered how much time your staff lose just by walking back and forth between different departments? This is not unusual at a larger facility. Some people spend about half their time at work walking back and forth. With the use of a mobile robot, your staff can focus on their real core tasks.
Focus on the future with fully automatic transport
This fully autonomous mobile robot (AMR) will improve productivity in your logistics considerably. That will improve throughput speed, prevent errors and improve equipment traceability. Thanks to the use of the AMR, your staff can also focus on tasks that require complex human skills.
Simplicity and safety come first
The major plus point is that this AMR does not require any adaptation for your facility, such as floor magnets or navigation beacons. Nor is it necessary to program the path in advance. After a short journey through your hospital, the robot will make a custom drawing of your floor map and collection and delivery points will be determined. The software is easy to integrate with your other systems. Plus, it takes only minimal programming to be able to use the robot in no time. Its operation is simple through a tablet. This AMR has also been designed to detect obstacles on its route by itself and to work safely around people. It will immediately choose a safe route to pursue each time. With an on-board PC, the robot will localise itself as well.
Tailored to your specific wishes
This fully autonomous mobile robot can be used for any kind of transport at your hospital. For the kitchen, the sterilisation department, the linen department, etc. The robot can even use the lift independently. Are you wondering whether this AMR could bring considerable improvement to your logistics? Then our professionals will be happy to visit you. They will then consult with you as to which model of robot best fits your needs and see what kind of custom trolley the robot should be fitted with to fully meet your wishes. The possibilities are endless.